Google Summer of Code | Coding Period: Week 5

Google Summer of Code | Coding Period: Week 5

This week —11 July to 17 July — was the fifth week of Google Summer of Code (GSoC) with CHAOSS. If you want to read my daily updates, I blog them in my GSoC tracker👩‍💻


adduser(username) method implemented for a given argument username and email.

What did I do this week?

This week was focused on some final features for the adduser CLI.

Add user subcommand CLI by Priya730 · Pull Request #1912 · chaoss/augur
*Signed-off-by: Priya Srivastava
This is work in progress Description Progress till now: Add…*

The To Do’s of the week were:

  • avoid duplicates (Each user should have a unique username and email)

  • fix password hashing

  • Added generate password hash

  • changed bold output

As I was coding the above features, I thought of some possibilities:

  • email argument option update

  • validate email address

  • use a different model for admin, will be easy to differentiate between user and admin

Important Fix of the week:

  • changes need to be made in for command to access the method. [Fixed]

Did I get stuck anywhere?

  • email validation to ensure that the entered argument is an email.

  • bycrypt password (sqlalchemy.exc.IntegrityError: (sqlite3.IntegrityError) NOT NULL constraint failed: user.password_hash [SQL: INSERT INTO user (username, email, password_hash, admin, public_id) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?)])

Ideas and possibilities:

  • validate username
username =  
        if len(username) < 3:  
            raise ValidationError(  
                _('Username must be at least 3 characters long'))  
        valid_chars = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ0123456789-._'  
        chars = list(username)  
        for char in chars:  
            if char not in valid_chars:  
                raise ValidationError(  
                    _("Username may only contain letters, numbers, '-', '.' and '_'"))
  • validate password (Ensure that passwords have at least 6 characters with one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter and one number.)

password = list(
password_length = len(password)
lowers = uppers = digits = 0
for ch in password:
if ch.islower(): lowers += 1
if ch.isupper(): uppers += 1
if ch.isdigit(): digits += 1

is_valid = password_length >= 6 and lowers and uppers and digits
if not is_valid:
raise ValidationError(
_('Password must have at least 6 characters with one lowercase letter, one uppercase letter and one number'))


  • UserMixin benefits? will it help me in authorisation?

  • Flask-Login instead of Flask-User grrr. What’s the difference between the two. They seem almost identical.

  • Not able to find out the difference and decide which one to use.

  • Plus, usermanager (flask-user) is giving me errors (a lot of them!)


  • Learnt more about good commit messages. ;)

What is coming up next?

I’ll make some final commits and once the PR is approved by my mentor, I’ll move on to the next tasks.

Until next time…

You can find me on Twitter, LinkedIn and Github.